Advance Booking for Outpatient Service

Timeslots and doctors for advance booking

July 2024

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June 2024

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  • The advance booking is available for the above timeslots and doctors only
  • Emergency patients will be given priority to receive immediate treatment
  • Consultation session times are subjected to change without notice
  • For any inquiries or reservation, please call 24-hour Outpatient and Emergency Department: +852 3153 9000


Gleneagles’ 24-hour Outpatient and Emergency Department is the first and only private hospital on Hong Kong Island that provides round-the-clock outpatient and emergency medical services. Managed by a team of medical and nursing professionals, patients with urgent or common medical conditions will receive timely and professional care whenever they need it.

The department is equipped with comprehensive facilities, including a standard resuscitation room, a negative-pressure room, observation beds, X-ray service and a triage zone for suspected infectious patient.  By adopting a multi-disciplinary team approach, we strive to provide seamless and effective care to our patients.

Our Facilities and Environment

Notice Board/Latest News

Paediatric Evening Clinic 

GHK Pediatrics

From now on, our Paediatric services will be extended on the following days at our 24-hour Outpatient and Emergency Department. Children will receive timely treatment from our specialists in Paediatrics.

Service hours*:

Monday and Wednesday6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Tuesday6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Thursday8:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Friday7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday2:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Sunday10:30 am - 2:00 pm; 
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

*Excluding public holidays

Consultation fee: HK$800 - HK$1,200

Advance booking: +852 3153 9000

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How Are Patients’ Conditions Assessed

Triage English

Click to enlarge

A triage system is in place to ensure that our patients receive the most appropriate care in a timely manner. All patients attending our 24-hour Outpatient and Emergency Department have their clinical conditions assessed by our triage nurses after registration.  This system ensures timely attention and appropriate intervention to be provided to patients with most urgent medical conditions.

During the triage process, nurses will conduct several initial assessment including asking questions about the symptoms, past medical history and other relevant history, and measuring the patient’s blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature, and oxygen saturation etc.

Patients who are critically ill or presenting with potentially life-threatening medical conditions are given a higher priority for assessment and treatment. 

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Our Service Pledge

Triage Category

Service pledge

Category 1 – Critical & Emergency

Immediate treatment within 5 minutes

Category 2 – Urgent

Patients to be treated within 30 minutes

Category 3 – Non-urgent

Patients to be treated within 60 minutes

At any point in time, our 24-hour Outpatient and Emergency Department has at least two on-duty doctors, at least one of them is an Emergency Medicine Specialist. Our Emergency Medicine Specialists and specialist nurses are trained to provide appropriate and immediate care to patients with acute illnesses or injuries.  In situations where joint consultation with other specialists is deemed necessary, relevant specialists will be arranged to attend to patients immediately. Should this need arise outside of normal day hours, these specialists, who may not practise 24 hours in the hospital, will be called upon to provide appropriate care to patients.

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Patient Journey

The typical patient journey from registration to discharge/admission is shown below:


The actual waiting time is dependent on patient volume and the conditions of patients attending the department.

Health Education

Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

07 October, 2021

Dr CHAN Kin Ling Karen

Emergency Medicine

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Head Injury (Patient information)

07 October, 2021

Dr Arthur Chi Kin CHEUNG

Emergency Medicine

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Care Advice : Hypertension

03 July, 2020

Dr YEN Pang Fei

General Practice

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Care Advice : Tetanus Prophylaxis

03 July, 2020

Dr LAW Ping Keung

Emergency Medicine

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Care Advice : Animal Bite and Rabies

03 July, 2020

Dr LAW Ping Keung

Emergency Medicine

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Know more about acute myocardial infarction

05 February, 2018

Dr LAM Pui Kin, Rex
Dr CHAN Pak Hei, Michael
Dr TSE Tak Sun

Emergency Medicine, Cardiology

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Know more about influenza

21 March, 2017

Dr LAM Pui Kin, Rex

Emergency Medicine

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