Obstetrics Services


We are committed to providing 

  • Quality, safe, pleasant and  baby-friendly environment 
  • Skin-to-skin, 24-hour rooming-in services 
  • Husband's company during the labour process 

At Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital, we embrace a high-touch, personalised approach in taking care of mums and babies.

Pregnancy is the start of a wonderful journey for both the expectant mother and her family. Every step of the way, our team of professionals, complemented by advanced equipment and technology, is committed to giving you the support, knowledge, and peace of mind for your baby’s arrival.  

We provide a tranquil environment and holistic care to ensure that your first moments with your baby will be lovingly memorable.

Skin-to-skin contact after birth is a great way for bond building between mum, dad and the newborn. There is no better way to start this loving relationship with  your baby by letting your baby smell you, feel your heartbeat and hear you breathe as he/she feels the warmth of your cuddles.

Obstetrics Packages

(click on the image to enlarge)


Charges will be incurred for extra days of accommodation, please refer to the Room Rates for details.Please click here to read the Advance Maternity Deposit Reminder.

Accolades and Recognitions


What mums and dads say

Ob 421

Dear all staff at the Maternity Ward at Gleneagles,

Thank you so much for all your care - bother for me as I recovered from birth and for baby ■ in his first five days.

You've been so kind a compassionate and of course also incredibly knowledgeable & helpful! Thank you again.

Ob 420



Ob 418 1


已經第二次嚟港怡生BB,第一次嘅體驗非常之好。所以今次都立即決定再“戰”港怡!當然不負衆望,所有嘅姑娘都好nice!溫柔!五日四夜真係唔夠 :] 尤其對BB嘅照顧,真係無微不至,唔捨得出院!多謝你哋嘅專業帶畀我哋100%嘅放心、安心、窩心!

Mrs So, BB Zenres So
Ob 417 Lee Lok Yi

To Nursery:




Lok Yi
Ob 416 Leung Yee Ki

第二次係GHK生BB,感覺好warm & sweet,多謝一班醫護人員細心嘅照顧和幫助,讓我兩次生BB都好順利、好安全、好放心,尤其係產科嘅姑娘,BB室嘅姑娘及清潔姨姨都非常用心照顧我和BB,讓自己度過一個開心舒服、幸福嘅生產生活!

Anyway, thx!

God bless you.

LYK, CYL (family)
Ob 413

To Conny

Thank you so much. You are so kind & friendly.

God bless you

Ob 412 Chung Wing Yin

To 港怡婦產科、產房姑娘、醫生、姐姐們:

衷心感謝各位的照顧及協助,令我們的Baby安全出世,平平安安。我哋兩個新手父母,乜都唔識,多希望你哋教曉我們如何breast-feed,如何換片、沖涼等知識;產房同姑娘姐姐們都好細心,又好錫Baby(btw 佢叫做Raiden Lam);聽聞Raiden好大聲喊,佢一出nursery,我哋就已經喺A307房聽到佢把聲。多謝大家多多包涵啊!

多謝Front desk姑娘們好attentive嘅服務,幫我哋準備唔同items,令我哋呢幾日住得好安樂;仲有清潔姐姐們,幫我哋不停換水,收拾同埋準備薑水等,唔該晒!

Chung Wing Yan
Ob 411 Ng Pui Yan

To Nursery:

Thank you for all your professional service to my wife and daughter. Special thanks to the nurses who have spent days and nights in taking care of my family.

Besides, I would also express my gratitude to Dr ■ , Dr ■ and Dr ■ for helping out the whole operation and delivery. Your kindness, professionalism and patient do help my wife to recover quickly.

It is our honour and blessing to stay in Gleneagles. An unforgettable, memorable and comfortable experience in here. Wish you all the best.

David Cheng, Tracy Ng and beloved daughter
Ob 410 Wong Chun Yan




Joanne Wong
Ob 409 Li Lu Chun



Mr & Mrs Zhang
Ob 408

To Nursery:

Thank you so much for everything during our stay here at Gleneagles, especially your proactive and friendly service to me and baby! It was a professional and pleasant experience. Thank you for giving my baby awesome first few days of life at Gleneagles!

Ob 407 Lee Tsz Lun

To Nursery:


人美心善的Nursery 姑娘~ 謝謝!!

新手媽媽&Baby Emily & Emerson
Ob 406 Cheng Ka Ki

Dear Doctors, Nurses and Helpers,

Thank you so much for making my stay at Gleneagles so comfortable and enjoyable. Your advices and support have been valuable. My surgery was done professionally and smoothly. The facilities and equipment are new and well maintained. My baby has been well taken care of. Nurses have been super friendly and provided a lot of support on breastfeeding and advices on baby care post stay. Will definitely recommend my stay to my friends.

Ob 404

Dear Nursery


每位都好細心專業,定時為我解釋BB每日嘅情况,又非常友善親切。每節教我餵人奶姿勢,令我上奶非常順利。當我谷奶時,又提供解決方法俾我,非常细心,令我身體舒緩谷奶痛楚。這裏可以推BB入媽媽房間這個安排非常貼心,我可以有充足休息又可以掛住BB嘅時候安排BB送入自己房間內。另外也答謝Dr ■ & Dr ■ 同Nursery護士團隊配合得好好

特別鳴謝每位 Nursery 護士團隊!
Bonnie Clara Grace Connie Canny Man Yee Yola Pui Yin

Elaine Lui
Ob 403


Ob 401 Yip Chun Lui Alison

To Nursery:

Thank you very much with all your caring ones this few days.

This is actually my second time giving birth in Gleneagles. I was very thankful for all the support and help of the nursery team. They have shown a lot of love and caring for a new mom and to my new-born. This is also one of the reasons I’m back for my second birth this time! I also have recommended to my friends about this hospital as well! Once again thank you to the whole Baby Nursery Team!

Mrs. Lam
Ob 400 Lee Cheuk Man

To Nursery


Ob 309 Emily

To Nursery:



新手媽媽&Baby Emily & Emerson ​
Ob 308 Cheng Ka Ki


Dear Doctors, Nurses and Helpers

Thank you so much for making my stay at Gleneagles so comfortable and enjoyable. Your advice and support have been valuable. My surgery was done professionally and smoothly. The facilities and equipment are new and well maintained. My baby has been well taken care of. Nurses have been super friendly and provided a lot of support on breastfeeding and advice on baby care post stay. Will definitely recommend my stay to my friends

Ob 307 Zhang Chen


最重要的是感謝 ■ 醫生和 ■ 醫生, 他們的專業和細緻在最大程度上緩解了我的焦慮。

Ob 306 Liem Heung Ling

To Nursery:

Just want to say a big THANK YOU" to taking care the baby & my wife. Thank for all your time, patience & effort to helping us. Being new born Parents like a "Headless Chicken” without any experience. We are so lucky to meet all of you.



Grace & Jin
Ob 305

To Nursery

感謝這裡的每一個工作人員盡心盡力的 照顧我們的BB,特別是Clara教我如何手擠奶,幫我通乳,教我們使用奶泵,非常詳細。我們的BB在這裡度過了非常開心舒適的幾天。


Ob 304

Ward 3A, (Nursery)

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your support & help over the past several days. All of you have contributed tremendously during this challenging yet joyful time of our lives, for which we will remain extremely grateful!

Ob 303

To Nursery of the Newborn Baby Ward.

Thank you very much for the caring for my newborn baby girl ■ .

Nurses are friendly, professional, caring. A very nice experience to be taken care by all of your.

Glad to have chosen Gleneagles Hospital to go through this special journey!

Ob 302

Dear 港怡醫護團隊,


而育嬰部的Canny與另一位懷孕中的護士也對我和寶寶很温柔,教導我地照顧嬰兒的知識和餵人奶的技巧,好開心選擇 了港怡醫院,下次生BB一定會再來的!希望再次遇到你們白衣天使!

Ob 301 Chi Wei

To all the lovely ladies from GHK Nursery Team (Nursery, NICU)

THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything!

From mу own stay in the hospital to our baby Hazel’s 3-week stay with you - we've been in the best possible hands throughout. Every single one of you is amazing, incredibly caring, highly professional - you make us feel at home.

We are so grateful to have you by our side during this life-changing experience, and we'll keep telling our baby how loved & lucky she is to be taken care by you - the best nursery team we could ever wish for!
Take care & we love you!

Rachel & Sherlock & Baby Haze
Ob 300 Weng Yimin

To Nursery:

Huge thanks to everyone at A3 ward team for the kind guidance and great support for the last couple of days.

These mean a lot to us all as we’re been able to concentrate 100% on baby boy and each other in the expanded family.

Big shout out to Miki & the Nursery crew, it would not have been a pleasant and smooth stay at Gleneagles without you!

David & Joyce
Ob 299



Ob 298

Dear nurses in GHK

Thank you for the caring and patient esp. nurses in the nursery room. I am grateful that you guys have been taken care of my emotion as well.

Ob 296 Hagiwara Hisako

To Nursery:

Thank you for your wonderful help and warm support. Thanks to you, I could have a wonderful and calm postpartum time.

Ob 294

To: 產科 Nursery

多謝安排我入院和幫我接生嘅姑娘,不段鼓勵我順産,同我講我可以,你地嘅Support 令我有信心順産,最後結果都好好。

多謝BB房姑娘細照顧,毎次推BB過嚟埋身餵都幇我調整好姿勢,令我出院前已經掌握到 Breastfeeding。另外又教我地好多湊BB tips。BB入院照黄疸,nurseryt姑娘交接得好清楚,令我地好放心,可以好好休息。

Thanks a lot! Take Care!

Ob 293

Thank You & 感謝 ■ 醫生及港怡的姑娘、醫生的細心照顧,特別對BB的貼心照顧,十分感謝!

Ob 292 Ong Ee Vonne

To Nursery

Thank you very much for taking such excellent care of myself and baby Ng. Every staff members were extremely helpful and knowledgeable.

I have enjoyed my stay here all thanks to the excellent customer service & care given.

Thank you again to all the Staff members in Gleneagles Hospital!

Ng Family
Ob 291 Lee Ka Man

Hi Gleneagles team,

It has been a wonderful experience during our stay here and special thanks to the entire nursing team! Thank you for your positivity and genuine belief in my abilities to get my baby out safely. You made me feel strong and empowered.

It has been amazing to have you all and Dr ■ .

Thank you!

Ob 290

To Nursery


特別鳴謝幾位護士Grace、Alice、Man Yee、Miki呢5日嘅照顧!!辛苦哂!!Thank You!!

Ob 289 Ratwani Anisha Inder

To the most wonderful nursing staff at Gleneagles!

You have been absolutely fantastic. Thank you from the bottom hearts. Your care, patience and expertise have been invaluable to us! Thank you for making our experience smooth, peaceful & comfortable.

We are forever in gratitude to you!

Baby Krish, Anisha, Rachit & Mishka
Ob 288

To Nursery

Thanks ladies, the attention was amazing. My baby and me
are very happy and grateful for your dedication and expertise. Have been a pleasure to be in your core.

Thanks so much

Ob 287 Lui Wai Yu

To Nursery,

Thank you so much for all of the kindness and professionalism of your staff. We appreciate all your help looking after our baby Jonah. May your team be blessed always.

Thank you!

The Chings Family
Ob 286

Dear Gleneagles Team,

Thank you for taking care of me and my baby since the first day we got admitted here. I came in in an emergency condition given my contractions and all the nurses and team attended to my needs immediately. My delivery went smooth and my baby and myself were very well taken care of by the team. I want to specially thank 文姑娘 and Gigi from the baby team for their care and attention.

Thank you so much!

Ob 284

To Nursery



Ob 283

To Nursery:


Nice to have the team with the baby. It was fantastic experience. Thank You !!

Ob 282

To Nursery:

Thank you Dr ■ and all the staff at the nursery for all the support during these 3-day stay. I feel well pampered and cared.

It is a relief to hear that our baby is in good hands from the moment of birth. If we are going to have another baby, we will still opt for Dr ■ and team.

Sincerely thank you to all midwives, they taught us great techniques for breastfeeding and are so encouraging. Our baby is an impatient boy, who cries a lot when he is hungry, but still midwives can calm him down and help us relax a bit during the early stage of recovery. The demo bath was great and the bottle feeding demo and help definitely made a difference to us as new parents.

All the best and good luck to all staff and carer at nursery and Ob.

Ob 281 Zhou Lili

To Nursery:

Thank you to all the nurses, doctors and first responders who have given your great help & service to Lennox BB. As I came in a quite urgent condition which need to do C-session immediately, very lucky to have your professional help at first place and made a successful delivery in the end.

Again, thank all of you who are working night and day to help us. You guys are awesome!

Without you doing your job each and everyday, guess mamas would suffer more pain.

Thank you for taking care of my baby boy.

Ob 280 Ng Cheuk In

To Nursery,


我們都很放心!Thank you so much!

Crystal & Jacque
Ob 279 Chen Yue Wing Winnie

To Nursery,

My Husband and I would like to thank you for taking part in the birth of out little girl, Clarisse. We all know that the tension was high that night. We felt very comfortable and confident knowing that you would be able to handle any situation. Your team are amazing! Thank you so much for helping deliver the most precious gift of our life and taking great care of us during our stay.

We cannot put into words our gratitude for everything you have done for our family!

Winnie and Jay
Ob 278 Wu Selina Yi Lam

Dear Gleneagles Hospital Maternity Staff,

Thank you for the care and attention to Sebastian (the baby) and mum. The environment of the stay and the people caring for birth baby and mum have been friendly and helpful.

We would like to thank Dr ■ and Dr ■ , the nurse and cleaners and other support staff during the stay & necessary.

Special thanks to Alice & Gigi from nurseries. Your kindness, gentle care, patience, and extraordinary assistance made a big & important difference to the quality of care at this hospital. Both of you are examples of excellence & professionals.

We hope to be able to deliver our next baby here again!

Dr Jack Tsao and Selina Yi Lam Wan
Ob 277 Chan Wing Wing





Ob 275 Parker Hughes Majely Carla

To Nursery,

Thank you so much for making my birth experience so good:)

All of you was kind and helpful. I was extremely lucky to have such caring murses takig care of my baby girl and me.

I am forever grateful to you all.

You all are the best nursery nurse team of Hong Kong.

Thank you so much and I will miss you all when I am at home.

Majely Carla Parker-Hughes
Ob 274 Lo Oi Sin

To Nursery:

Dear港怡所有醫護人員、 ■ 醫生:

感謝 ■ 醫生幫忙接生,讓囡囡平安來到世上及細心整理傷口。感謝護士們用心照顧我及囡囡,令我能有充分的休息,身體能更好地恢復。每天不辭勞苦照顧囡囡,漲奶、掃風、清潔大小二便、沖涼等,感謝!最後感謝港怡的廚師烹調美味食物!

Ob 273

Dear all loving staffs,

Thank you for taking great care of me and my newborn! We had a wonderful experience here. Things wouldn't be as smooth and easy without your help!

Ob 272

To Nursery



Ob 271





Ob 270 Leong Pui Yong

Thank you for helping us welcome our baby girl into the world!!!

Special thanks to Dr ■ , Dr ■ & Ms. Bonnie.

Baby Hsu, Chi Yip & Pui Yong
Ob 268

To Nursery,

Thanks Connie and the team embers!

Excellent service and we had a great time here!

Ob 267







Ob 266

To Nursery

感謝 ■ 醫生和各位醫護人員這幾天對我和BB的悉心照顧,希望您們身體安康。


Ob 265 Yuen Caroline

Thank you to all the nurses & midwives for the wonderful help to mommy & the baby!

The stay was fantastic!

Brian & Caroline
Ob 264

To Gleneagels Nursery:


Ob 263


感謝 ■ 醫生、 ■ 醫生多日照顧,令我在港怡順利生產,BB亦得到悉心的照料。


Ob 262 Cheung Ying Him

致Nursery's 姑娘:



祝工作愉快 + 身體健康!

Ob 261 Yip Ling Wai

To 姑娘(排名不分先後):

Mo, Maggie, Ida, Vicky, May, Emily, Phoebe, Shea, Man Yu, Monique, Sika, Solong, Yu Wing, Sze Ki, Hau Yee

多謝妳們的悉心照料和護理!由產房開始,感恩有妳們令過程非常順利,看到寶寶出來的一刻,我和先生都好感動,多謝妳們幫我們記錄這一個珍貴時刻,同時專業地照顧我和肥Worm(4kg BB的名字)。開刀後一天瞓床休息,感覺無助,幸得妳們照顧,我身體才能迅速恢復,有力量照顧BB!Thanks so much!

Yip Ling Wai
Ob 260

Dear Gleneagles Team,

Thank you so much for your great effort and excellent job for my successful birthing!

My whole family deeply appreciates your outstanding skills and performance, especially Vicky, Sze Ki, Solong - the amazing L.K. massage during my birthing, and Phoebe, Mo, Hau Yee, Maggie, Emily, Monique, Sika, Yu Wong and Dr ■ !! Thank you all again

Ob 259 Huynh Judy

To Nursery:

(Miki, Annie, Grace Lo, Man Yee)

Thank you for a wonderful stay and taking amazing care of our baby Sofia!

We will miss you.

Judy & Ed
Ob 258 Yang Chuxuan

To Nursery:

真的很感謝每一個姑娘們對我們一家的照顧,在我最虛弱的時候幫我take care BB,給我很多鼓勵,同時解答我超多的問題!也在我親喂實在是痛到不行的時候理解且開導我,你們付出的一切真的讓所有新手媽媽感覺到非常踏實同感動!


Cathy & Colin
Ob 257

Dear Gleneagles Team,

Thank you so much for taking good care of my little son, ■ after he was born here! We deeply appreciate your day & night caring for him! We had wonderful time here!

Ob 256 Yip Ling Wai

To Nursery:


Yip Ling Wai
Ob 255 Cheng Hoi Ning Angela

■ 醫生,Nursery姑娘


Thank you!!!

Angela & Fat
Ob 254

To Nursery:


在此想特別感謝Angel,謝謝你貼心的照顧我囡囡,你有敏銳的觀察力,細心的留意很多照顧上的細節並且提醒我,真是十分感動。謝謝你的鼓勵,有緣再會。Thank You.

Ob 253 Yim Chi Yui Janice

To the Gleneagles Nursery Team:

Thank you so much for all your help and patience to my baby and I!!! It's nerve wrecking for first time parents, but you guys have made everything easy for us to learn and adapt, and even comforted us when some things don't seem to go as planned/ expected.

Thank you again and we wish you all the best!!!

Janice & Asher Lam
Ob 252 Kong Shuman

To Nursery



Shuman & Benson
Ob 251 Chong Ho Yee Jenny

To Nursery

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this wonderful experience.

Your calm professionalism and genuine care made everything easier for us and we appreciate everything you did for mother and child.

Foo Family
Ob 250 Lo Pui Kwan

To Nursery




Thanks a lot

Ob 249 Yu Ka Ki

To Nursery:



在此亦感謝我的婦產科醫生 ■ 醫生,麻醉科 ■ 醫生和兒科 ■ 醫生的悉心照顧,讓我可以在放心和舒適的情況下順利順產。


Nicky & Simon & BB
Ob 247 Chen Shujun

To Nursery:


Amy & BB
Ob 246

To Nursery,

感謝你們連日來對BB的悉心照料及細心跟我們分享照顧嬰兒的專業知識,好讓我們迎接小生命的時候除了興奮、感動、手足無措之餘,亦多了一份安心 :)

Ob 245 Yang Shuhan

To Nursery:

Thank you for the wonderful services with hearts. My wife and I are grateful for this. Baby Heather is healthy now thanks to the carings.

Dr. Hens Chan & 楊舒涵
Ob 244 Chau Shao Yan

To Nursery:

I would like to show my Appreciation to your team.

The room is spacious and tidy. Your team is warm and kind.

We feel grateful to have your tender care.

Ob 243

To Nursery:

多謝BB房的咁多位姑娘這幾天幫忙照顧我的"大食B" 令到我可以爭取時間休息!亦都好多謝咁多位姑娘既育嬰tips,真係好有用!對於我哋呢d新手父母黎講真係好重要!

特別想多謝姑娘(母乳顧問)Chloe Wong既指導!因為我真係無諗過自己可以餵到母乳!


Ob 242 Ren Yangwei

To Nursery,

A world of thanks to all the staff here! All the girls are so gentle with the baby and have been teaching us a lot so we can be better at taking care of the baby!

Wish you all the happiness in the world and maybe see you in a few years!

Ob 241 Sevilla Zyreen

To the nursery nurses, staff & doctors

We will never able to put on to words our gratitude for what you all done for us. With pure heart & dedication you all treated our baby Ethan as your own.

Thank you for taking care of our son, to make him warm and comfortable. Thank you for rocking him & feed him when I couldn't be with him at night so I can take a rest.

Thanks for educating us how to properly care for our baby.

To all the staff thank you for keep on checking us if everything is fine / okay. You're all so accommodating & friendly.

To Dr ■ as well with a delicate hands, utmost precision, your care for us is amazing since my first baby till second one. You make a magic.

To Dr ■ Thank you for checking our Ethan everyday to make sure he is fine.

To everyone again, thank you and god bless.

Lynch& Sevilla
Ob 240 Hong Zeqi

To 育嬰室,


PS. 多謝Joyce

Ob 239 Chiu Kiu Yan

To 3A Nursery all staaffs + NM Grace,

多謝你哋依幾日對囡囡悉心照顧,及對我的耐心教導。:) 感到妳們滿滿的愛意和關心,令我對埋身母乳餵飼裏,無壓力的情況下,可以逐步逐步慢慢嘗試及適應。

特別多謝Miki,Janice & Joyce,及其他護士,you are the best!Thank you so much!

Ruby & BB Ria
Ob 238 Lee Pak Yue

To Nursery,

I'd like to express my sincere gratitude to all the Gleaneagles staff for all your patience, hard work and dedication. Thank you so much for the wonderful care you gave me and my family. The birth of Amelia went great because all of you are so caring. Thank you for a great experience! Thank you very much for your great care during my pregnancy!

Amelia Yip's family
Ob 236 Kwok Wing On

To Nursery,

多謝你哋嘅悉心照顧及好有耐性咁解答我嘅疑問!特別嗉謝(排名不分先後)Connie, Miki, Grace, Chloe, Han Yuk, Bonnie, Gigi

Thank you so much.

Ob 235 Chan Yin Ching

To Nursery

多謝各位姑娘醫生既用心照料!姑娘好用心教導餵母乳嘅資訊及知識!醫生講解詳細,每日都給我BB嘅最新知識!姑娘任何時間盡心解答,多謝咁多位5日4夜以黎盡心盡力既照顧!Thanks and take care!

Rena and BB Ng
Ob 234 Wan Hiu Ching

To Nursery


Ob 232 Wong Yan

To Nursery,

Thank you for your support & care to me & baby. The nurses are very attentive to our needs and professional, we enjoyed our stay here and will recommend to friends & family.

Thank you!

Rachel, Evan & Theo Wong
Ob 231 Cheng Fanny

To Nursery,

Thank you so much to all of the caring, helpful and professional team in the Nursery. We really appreciated your warm enthusiasm and welcome, as our little baby Rex joined our family.

Thank you so much.

Fanny & Daniel,Arthur & Rex
Ob 230 Ling On Ni

To Nursery,


Ob 229 Mak Mei Ha

To Nursery,

Thank you so much for all your kind and warm care in the past 5 days.

The high quality of your service is greatly appreciated.

Ob 225 Ma Man Lok


Mr. Choi
Ob 223 Wong Chui Yiu

Dear BB房姑娘,

Thanks so much! 萬分感激您們係我呢個新手媽媽住院期間悉心的照顧,耐心的教導,令我能掌握餵哺的技巧,BB亦得到充分的照顧!

今日,我們帶健康的BB出院喇!希望您們都保重身體,stay warm!

PS. 你們手太冰冷了,著多件衫保暖吧 :)

Wong Chui Yiu
Ob 221 Li Tsz Shan

To Nursery:


Shaudi's Family





Ob 219 Chan Nok Ting

相隔20個月又重回這個地方,放心的感覺依舊。謝謝姑娘對媽媽和BB的照顧,也很有耐性解答媽媽的疑問,和給予很好的建議,令媽媽感覺很舒服,再一次謝謝。祝在這裡工作的姑娘,姐姐和其他工作人員身體健康,工作愉快,有緣再見 :)

Natalie and Daniel
Ob 218 Chu Hoi Yan





Ob 217 Wang Ying





Cherie Wang
Ob 216 Tam Greta Chun Huen

To Nursery:

Thank you to the whole team. You are all great, so helpful and knowledgable.. My husband and I learnt such a lot, even as 2nd time parents!

I managed to sleep 9 hours straight last night despite breastfeeding. I can't remember when I last slept like that, even when pregnant!

I learnt a lot in the past 2 days, thank you very much for the detailed explanation in nursing new born.

Greta and Bryan
Ob 215 Mok Hoi Yan

Dear all nurses in Labour ward (esp 蘇姑娘) and BB 房(esp Man Yee, Miki, Pui Yin, Joyce , Connie & Gigi)

It is a true blessing to have your loving and professional care with our new born. You all are the most invaluable assets to Gleneagles.

P.S. Thank you especially for your patience in guiding us for breastfeeding!