One-stop Obstetrics Package Limited Offers

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Promotion period of One-stop Obstetrics Package Limited Offers: from 4 July 2023 to 31 December 2024. To enjoy the offers, an advance booking is required. Clients have to complete registration for an Obstetrics Package with advance deposit settled on or before 31 December 2024, while the delivery date can be arranged after the promotion period and reservation of the maternity bed to be made at a later date. 
    • One-stop Obstetrics Package Deposit fee: HK$20,000
    • Advance Maternity Deposit fee:
      • Hong Kong Resident and Overseas Passport Holder: Deposit HK$10,000; 
      • Mainland China Resident (NEP 1 and NEP 1.5)*: Deposit HK$20,000 and Confirmation Certificate Administrative Fee HK$2,000.
        * NEP 1 – Husband who holds a Hong Kong permanent identity card;  NEP 1.5 – Husband who holds a Hong Kong identity card and the Permit for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macao (One-way Permit)
  2. The offers are only applicable to normal risk singleton pregnancies.
  3. If client opts for elective caesarean section, offers are only applicable during normal operation hours (Monday to Saturday 7:30am – 10:00pm).
  4. The following costs are included in the package:
    • For Normal Vaginal Delivery: inclusive of hospital fee and doctors’ basic charges such as doctors’ fees (obstetrician and paediatrician) and ward round fee
    • For Elective Caesarean Section Delivery: inclusive of hospital fee and doctors’ basic charges such as doctors’ fees (obstetrician, paediatrician and anaesthetist) and ward round fee
    • Standard Room (two-bedded)Semi-private Single Room
      Normal Vaginal Delivery (3 Days and 2 Nights) HK$79,300HK$99,800
      Elective Caesarean Section (5 Days and 4 Nights)3HK$103,300HK$132,300
      Non-scheduled Emergency Caesarean Section
      (with less than 6 hours of notice and without using Delivery Suite)
      Fail trial of labour resulting in Emergency Caesarean Section
      (with the use of Delivery Suite)
      Antenatal Visit63 times3 times
      Post-natal Visit61 time1 time
  5. The promotional package includes standard delivery package items and the following additional items:
    • For the Mother: possible instrumentation to assist her delivery including vacuum extraction or forceps delivery, and general delivery related medication;
    • For the Baby: inborn error of metabolism screening.
  6. The promotional package offers antenatal visits inclusive of the following items, to be performed by a designated obstetrician:
    • Week 28 pregnancy: foetal ultrasound, urine test, Oral Glucose Tolerance test (OGTT) and routine medication;
    • Week 32 pregnancy: foetal ultrasound, urine test, dTap (Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis) vaccination and routine medication;
    • Week 36 pregnancy: foetal ultrasound, urine test, Group B Streptococcus (GBS) and routine medication.
    The promotional package offers the post-natal check-ups below:
    • Post-natal consultation and ultrasound scan by designated obstetrician
  7. The following items are not included in this promotional package:
    • Epidural anaesthesia or induction of labour;
    • All services beyond routine procedure, such as additional surgical procedures, use of special equipment, blood transfusion, acute and intensive care of mother and newborn, use of isolation facility;
    • Additional tests, examinations, treatment and consultation fee of other specialist / consultants;
    • Requests for additional meals, bed change, extension of hospital stay and its related costs;
    • COVID-19 screening test;
    • Injection for Rhesus negative mothers;
    • Admission screening test for patients who fulfil any of the following screening criteria:
      • For MRSA, VRE, CPE and C. Auris
        1. History of hospital admission or dialysis in a hospital outside HKSAR in the past 6 months;
        2. History of hospital admission or dialysis to public hospital(s) in HKSAR in the past 3 months;
        3. History of confirmed MRSA, VRE or CPE positive in the past 365 calendar days.
      • For C. Auris
        1. History of hospital admission including day admission in a hospital with an outbreak in the past 6 months;
        2. History of confirmed C. Auris positive in the past 365 calendar days.
    Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong reserves the right to amend any of the above terms and conditions without prior notice.
  8. If additional antenatal or postnatal check-ups are required, clients may choose to consume extra services at an additional cost.
  9. Additional charges are required if client requests for a paediatrician for labour, delivery and immediate treatment.
  10. The offers only apply to the Obstetrics Packages performed and confirmed by designated obstetricians of Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong. According to client’s condition, the obstetrician reserves the right to decide whether the client is suitable for using the above mentioned packages. For appointment, please contact Gleneagles’ Obstetrics & Gynaecology Clinic: (+852) 3153 9153.
  11. If abnormal condition(s) is/are found in the mother or the foetus during pregnancy, Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong or the obstetrician will determine whether the client is still suitable for using this offer, regardless of whether a deposit has been paid. If client is deemed no longer suitable for this offer, the paid deposit will be refunded.
  12. In the event of complication encountered in the process of childbirth which requires ongoing medical care outside of Gleneagles, transferal to a Hospital Authority hospital will be arranged once the condition of the mother / baby is stabilised.
  13. The offers are not applicable to clients who have already booked a maternity bed with an Obstetrics Package at Gleneagles before 3 July 2023.
  14. The offers are NOT applicable to:
    • Selected time caesarean section;
    • Premature birth (<34 weeks);
    • High-risk pregnancy, e.g. pre-eclampsia, major placenta praevia;
    • Complicated pregnancy with medical or surgical diseases.
  15. No refund will be arranged for an early discharge.
    If the client decides to withdraw from the One-stop Obstetrics Package after the advance deposit is paid, the hospital can arrange a refund. Gleneagles will deduct the used antenatal services fee and the administration fee of a total of HK$3,600 (charged per consultation) from the refund deposit.
  16. The offers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers.
  17. Discounts of the above offer are provided to self-pay patients only, direct billing is not applicable and package breakdown will not be provided.
  18. Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong reserves the right to amend any of the above terms and conditions without prior notice. In case of any dispute, Gleneagles’ decision is final.

Enquiries: +852 3153 9153

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