Corporate Social Responsibility and Collaborative Initiatives

Support to Organ Donation

As a healthcare provider, Gleneagles understands the importance of organ donation in extending patients’ lives. Gleneagles has been striving to promulgate the culture of organ donation since 2017 through different initiatives. Further to educational talks for staff and leaflets displayed in the hospital, we also invited the Department of Health (DH) to set up a promotion booth in the hospital to help staff and visitors learn more about organ donation and register their wish to donate organs after death in the DH's Centralised Organ Donation Register. 

If you would like to register as an organ donor, please click here to fill out the application form on the DH’s relevant website. 

Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong – The University of Hong Kong Collaborative Women’s Health Services (GHK-HKU CWHS)

Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong – The University of Hong Kong Collaborative Women’s Health Services (GHK-HKU CWHS) is a collaborative initiative in which Gleneagles Medical Clinic Central is one of the recognised private healthcare providers to offer screening services to patients referred from Queen Mary Hospital’s Colposcopy Clinic and patients of the former HKU Lady Helen Woo Women’s Diagnostic and Treatment Centre.   

The services provided at the Gleneagles Medical Clinic Central to referral patents include cervical smear test, 9 in 1 HPV vaccination package, and women’s health check package. Patients with conditions requiring further assessments will be referred to Queen Mary Hospital or Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong for follow up, subject to patients discretion. 

Healthy Teeth Collaboration

Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital (GHK) supports public-private partnership and is one of the collaborating private hospitals of the dental care programme for persons with intellectual disabilities (Healthy Teeth Collaboration) under the Department of Health. If dental treatments cannot be provided under behavioural management at clinics, arrangements will be made for applicants to receive dental treatments under sedation or general anaesthesia at one of the designated collaborating private hospitals.


Target Beneficiaries

To apply for the services under Healthy Teeth Collaboration, persons with intellectual disability must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Aged 18 or above holding the Registration Card for People with Disabilities issued by the Labour and Welfare Bureau (under the category of "intellectual disability" or "mental handicap");
  • Receiving either Comprehensive Social Security Assistance or Disability Allowance of the Social Welfare Department or medical fee waiver of the Hospital Authority; and
  • Have not benefited from the dental services of Healthy Teeth Collaboration

Application Procedures and Scope of Services

Please click here to download the pamphlet for more information on the Programme