Our Services

General Practitioner Consultation

Consultation fee: HK$550

Our Gleneagles Healthcare clinics also offer comprehensive primary healthcare services including general and specialist outpatient consultations, health screening services, vaccinations and more. Find out more about the clinics.

Flu Vaccination

Price: HK$450*

*While stocks last

COVID-19 Vaccination (Sinovac)

Gleneagles Medical Clinic Central is one of the clinics enrolled in the Government’s Vaccination Programme under the Vaccination Subsidy Scheme to provide Sinovac vaccination to the public.

Price: Free of charge

Booking: Please click here to make an online booking

Specialist Services:

Consultation fee

  • Initial: HK$2,500
  • Follow-up: HK$2,000

Know more about the specialty

Psychiatry is a medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental health conditions. Psychiatrists use various forms of psychological, medications and physical treatments, in various settings (hospitals, clinics, community) to help patients recover from mental health conditions.

Consultation fee

  • Initial: HK$1,000
  • Follow-up: HK$800

Know more about the specialty

Contrary to its name, general surgery is in fact a surgical specialty. General surgery is a surgical discipline or specialty that includes, but is not limited to surgical procedures performed on the intestines, liver, colon, pancreas, gallbladder, stomach and thyroid gland.

General surgeons may be trained in one of the many sub-specialised areas. Some general surgeons are dedicated to transplant surgery, and are therefore ready anytime to harvest organs from a suitable donor to a recipient, whilst others may focus on trauma surgery, breast surgery, colorectal surgery or vascular surgery. 

General surgery includes the following sub-specialties:

  • Breast
  • Colon and rectum (Colorectal)
  • Endocrine (Thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands)
  • Hepatobiliary (Liver, gallbladder and biliary tract) and pancreatic surgery
  • Trauma
  • Esophagus and upper gastrointestinal
  • Vascular

Consultation fee

  • Initial: HK$1,200 - HK$1,500
  • Follow Up: HK$1,000 - HK$1,200

Know more about the specialty

Gynaecological cancers may arise from any organs of the reproductive tract, including vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and peritoneum. Cancers of the endometrium, ovary and cervix are the most common gynaecological cancers in Hong Kong. It is well established that women with certain gynaecological cancers such as ovarian cancer have better outcome when treated by gynaecological oncologists in a specialised centre.

Consultation fee

  • Initial: HK$1,200 - HK$1,500
  • Follow Up: HK$1,000 - HK$1,200

Know more about the specialty

Diseases affecting the brain, nervous system and spinal cord are usually diagnosed with a neurologic examination. This is not to be confused with a psychiatric examination, which predominantly focuses on a patient's mental state and behaviour. It is important to understand that mental illnesses are typically classified separately from disorders of the central nervous system. Major neurological disorders include stroke, dementia, epilepsy, and movement disorders.

Consultation fee

  • Initial: HK$900 (the fee is subject to the selected doctor)
  • Follow-up: HK$750 (the fee is subject to the selected doctor)

Know more about the specialty

Aging, injury, poor posture or high-impact sports can cause problems in musculoskeletal system (bone, muscles, joints and ligaments). As the nature of such ailments is complex, it takes a multi-disciplinary team of specialists to effectively diagnose and treat the problem.

Consultation fee

  • Initial: HK$640 – HK$1,000 (the fee is subject to the selected doctor)
  • Follow-up: HK$540 – HK$800   (the fee is subject to the selected doctor)

Know more about the specialty

Paediatrics refers to the medical care of newborns, children and adolescents.

We have a diverse and committed team of paediatricians covering a wide spectrum of subspecialty interests, including experts in the field of allergy and immunology, cardiology, respiratory and sleep medicine, neonatology, developmental paediatrics, neurology, endocrinology, hematology, oncology and clinical genetics for children and adololescents up to 14 years old.

Consultation fee

  • Initial: HK$1,000 - HK$1,500
  • Follow-up: HK$800

Know more about the specialty

Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the repair of missing or damaged tissue and skin due to surgery, illness, injury or birth abnormality. Cosmetic surgery is also covered.

Consultation fee

  • Initial: HK$1,000
  • Follow-up: HK$800

Know more about the specialty

Respiratory problems commonly present with a spectrum of symptoms that include cough, sputum production, haemoptysis (coughing up blood), shortness of breath, wheezing (noisy breathing), chest pain (with breathing) and unrefreshed sleep. Respiratory specialists are trained to manage a whole range of airway and lung conditions as well as sleep problems, which can be of different complexity in both outpatient and inpatient settings.

Multidisciplinary team approach commonly involves respiratory specialists e.g. in the Intensive Care Unit.

Gleneagles Primo Surgical Centre and Gleneagles Pro-HEART Cardiac Centrelocated next to Gleneagles Medical Clinic Central, also provide Plastic Surgery and Cardiology services respectively.

Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong – The University of Hong Kong Collaborative Women’s Health Services (GHK-HKU CWHS)

Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong – The University of Hong Kong Collaborative Women’s Health Services (GHK-HKU CWHS) is a collaborative initiative in which Gleneagles Medical Clinic Central is one of the recognised private healthcare providers to offer screening services to patients referred from Queen Mary Hospital’s Colposcopy Clinic and patients of the former HKU Lady Helen Woo Women’s Diagnostic and Treatment Centre.   

The services provided at the Gleneagles Medical Clinic Central to referral patients include cervical smear test, 9 in 1 HPV vaccination package, and women’s health check package. Patients with conditions requiring further assessments will be referred to Queen Mary Hospital or Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong for follow up, subject to patients discretion. 

Cervical smear test

  • Special price: HK$430

Women's health check

  • Special price: HK$640
    - Cervical Smear, Blood pressure measure, Height measure, Weight measure, Urine strip test, Pelvis

HPV DNA test

  • Special price: HK$790

HPV DNA test and cervical smear test

  • Special price: HK$1,090

Opening hours

Monday – Friday: 0900 – 1330 ; 1430 – 1800

Saturday:  0900 – 1300 

Closed on Sunday and public holidays                     


Unit 2008B, 

20/F, New World Tower 1, 

16-18 Queen's Road Central, 

Hong Kong 

Appointment / Enquiry

Tel: 2810 9188 

Fax: 2810 9968