Spiritual Support Service – Gleneagles Oasis
At Gleneagles, we care not only for the physical health of our patients, but also the psychological health of patients and their families. To this end, we have set up the Spiritual Support Group and launched Gleneagles Oasis, with the aim of providing more comprehensive support service to meet the emotional, mental and spiritual needs of patients and their families or caregivers.
24-hour Free Spiritual Support Service
The spiritual support team of Gleneagles Oasis provides support and guidance to patients and their families as well as Gleneagles’ staff. The team is composed of professional counsellors who promote personal growth and self-exploration for clients, helping them rediscover the meaning and purpose of their lives, thereby establishing and strengthening connections and a sense of belonging to the community.
Chaplaincy Visits
Chaplains visit patients to listen to their needs, comfort them, and provide appropriate support to them and their families.
End of Life Spiritual Care and Bereavement Services
End of Life (EOL) spiritual care is provided to help patients address and process their anxiety and despair, reduce regrets and reinstate their beliefs or religions to reduce their fear of approaching death. Bereavement services can also be provided if needed.
In addition, regardless of the patient’s religious beliefs, Gleneagles Oasis caters to a diverse array of beliefs or religions, ensuring that all patients feel respected and supported.
To arrange any of the above services, please contact:
Gleneagles’ Service Excellence Department (Tel: +852 3153 9041)
You may also visit the websites below or call the relevant service groups directly for enquiries or arrangement of spiritual support services:
Christianity: | Association of Hong Kong Hospital Christian Chaplaincy Ministry |
Buddhism: | The Centre for Spiritual Progress to Great Awakening Tel: +852 3153 4499 | Website |
Catholicism: | St. Peter Church Tel: +852 2552 5934 |
Islam: | The Islamic Union of Hong Kong Tel: +852 2575 2218 |